Chaitanya's BlogWorld

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Vapa collections

Reddy's Bday party

Yday it was reddy's bday,and had lot of fun at night.We ( myself,raju,sha,hemanth,asif and satti ) went to Chutneys near panjagutta.Though it was Reddy behind the screen,raju took over the credit for that plan. The problem is it couldn't meet the expectations
of fans of reddy as itz a pure veg. restaurant.But coz that was the reason why we could
spend lot of time chit chatting,n thus it happened to be the funny time with lot of satires,though i don't remember all, let me tell u some.
From past 10 days we were telling him that we will make the day unforgettable in ur life,and unfortunately it happened to be the reverse....
Sha was telling that he was very happy with chutneys n the reason was that he wld'hv
cried if he gone there n pay from his own pockey.
Then its raju's turn, he said that he don't know how many got sucked up by birdflu but Reddy was the one who got benifited out of it!!!!!
And and so on......
Finally went to WayOut n there again one more jatka,it was time for cold coffee n
this time the whole credit goes to raju,The great.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Do i need to change!!

Yday i was thinking of my job, and came to a conclusion that i was not justifing to it and
unfortunately i came up with a lot more determination to give my best and understand
the whole code.But early in the morning , mujhe tho phir se jatka laga!!
The same happened when i was in Apos where i was feeling the ownership of yard
module which i was allocated at that time,suddenly they shifted me from yard to ops.
It took time to transform myself of the same,now i think i need to change i way of
perception towards the job.Do i need to feel the ownership of wat iam in??
Or take things as lite as possible and just do the job which is given to u leaving
the rest to air.Let me see how the things go......
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Vapa collections

Vapa collections

Vapa collections

Vapa collections

Vapa collections

Monday, February 20, 2006

wat am i?

The very idea of my existence makes me confusing.I think am still in dream of everything  i see,i feel,i think and wat not?
What is that i am??
Chaitanya is not my name , infact what is this name doing with my existence.If my papa didn't keep chaitu , i wld hv called with some xyz.
Then wat abt the fame that am struggling to earn??
The fame is just a crown to the name,so am i really crazy abt earning it which is not mine at any cost.
Do i really know me??
Without knowing my Being , i don't find any point in knowing abt others.
Then the biggest question comes to my mind!
Can i know what is this 'I'??
Arey chaitu , chod dho yaar....
If i keep on asking abt everything i see , i hav answer to none.
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Saturday, February 18, 2006

WorldNews Guest Writer Beverly Darling

WorldNews Guest Writer Beverly Darling.

'The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.' -- Thomas Jefferson

By now, everyone has heard and read about the twelve political cartoons published in the Danish paper denigrating the Prophet Mohammed, the founder of Islam. In one of the cartoons, a bomb animates from the Prophet’s head, while other drawings mock and belittle Islamic beliefs. Here in the U.S., numerous derogatory cartoons have also appeared in the press, such as the one likening the leader of Iran to Hitler wrapped in a Nazi Swastika and ready to push the ’nuke’ button. Another drawing shows an Arab dressed in a suicide-bomber’s belt ready to press a trigger with the caption, ’Who says the Muslim World doesn’t produce anything?’ Of course, the demeaning and stereotypical inferences are legion. It is therefore little wonder that the West is facing difficulty in spreading its concept of liberty to the Middle Eastern Region, let alone the rest of the world. As Muslims protest in the streets and attempt to defend their beliefs-possibly the only thing the West has NOT stolen from them or devalued, as Western media outlets defend their decisions to publish the cartoons on the basis of freedom of the press, and as the U.S. continues to lecture societies around the world about the lofty ideals of rights, maybe it is time Western Civilization re-examine their own skewed democratic experiments. The results and direction of Western Liberty may be surprising and even disturbing. But first, liberty is not…

Liberty is not power. In the West, liberty has often masqueraded itself with self-absorbed authoritarianism. Whether it be the Church and its doctrines that excommunicated or burned heretics for hundreds of years, or the Sacred State and its laws that now executes or binds dissenters, liberty has always belonged to, and is currently defined by, those who wield the most power. In the 2004 Presidential election, as George Bush campaigned, numerous citizens were arrested for expressing their opinions and objections to the war. Yet, on extreme right-wing talk-radio shows and in other public spheres throughout the U.S., one can continually hear individuals exclaim that Cindy Sheehan, the mother who lost her son in Iraq, should be ’shot,’ ’beaten over the head with a shovel,’ ‘commit suicide and do the world good,‘ and even ’be eliminated.’ Unfortunately, Western power-by-the-few defiles and leaves others nameless. It has prevented the West from realizing that no one person or single state has a monopoly on absolute liberty. .

Liberty is neither permissiveness. The destructive and selfish thoughts that ‘we will do whatever we want to,’ and with ’little or no regard for our neighbors,’ leads to cultural decay and a valueless society. In idolizing the individual or the unitary nation, and thinking that the western concept of liberty is an end in itself, Western Democracies have neglected the liberties and ideals of other peoples faiths and traditions. Western permissiveness and the ‘anything goes’ belief results in the devastation of the sacred and absolute. There are no truths, especially in other faiths or traditions. Life is no longer hallowed. Permissiveness breeds self-justification and faulty excuses, instead of accountability and responsibility for one‘s behavior. As a result of hyper-permissiveness, the West rationalizes invading and destroying other countries. Aggression, killing, and murder is defended as spreading liberty. Obscenities are validated and even encouraged. Freedom of the press is an end in itself and often controlled by the corporate-state to belittle other people or the less powerful-originally freedom of the press was always used in opposition to the Nation State. Although ‘fighting words,’ obscenities, defamation, hate-speech, and racial slurs are outlawed in the West, it is allowable and expected to use these same injurious and slanderous concepts against the rest of the world or anyone that disagrees. How would the U.S. have reacted if Christ would have been shown molesting a child? What if George Bush was pictured raping an Iraqi female prisoner? What if there were political cartoons about the Holocaust? Selfishness and permissiveness always produces double standards and insincerity.

Liberty is always limited to one’s perception. All humans are bound by a past, bias’, mistaken ways of thinking, and positive-negative cultural norms. Therefore, one’s perception concerning liberty is always partially faulty. An example of this is a recent political cartoon in the Western press revealing Hamas, the Palestinian political group that just won the election by a majority vote, as another suicide bomber ready to explode. Written beside Hamas is the word, ‘Democracy.‘ Why does the West automatically question Hamas’ democratic experience, but not its own? Other nations and groups may perceive liberty differently than the West or mainstream America. As the West attempts to ‘starve’ Hamas and destroy them, I personally know several people who left the U.S. and moved to other countries in order to live in other political systems because they felt oppressed and subjugated in the U.S. Secretary of State Ms. Rice recently said that the protests over the caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed could ‘spin out of control’ and that the Arab League and other Middle Eastern countries should act responsibly. I am not sure if Ms. Rice has noticed, but our country and concept of liberty has already ‘spun out of control’ as churches are being burned, a VA Nurse is charged with sedition for writing about the horrors of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, America perceives the right to invade and threaten other nations, whole villages-where suspected terrorists are thought to be-are massacred, innocent women and children are brutalized, and human beings are denied their liberties.

Western liberty is not profiteering. Mistaking consumerism and the accumulation of products for liberty, corporations and competition have replaced communities and cooperation. Goods have replaced God. In gaining the world and its resources, the West has lost its soul. Religion is bought and sold like a service. War is driven by profit and purchased by the highest bidder. Liberty and freedom is something to be bought and peddled. Human life is a commodity to be used and then thrown away. Alexis de Tocqueville observed this when he witnessed the mistreatment and removal of the Native Americans, while the U.S. mistakenly claimed to be the torch-bearers of liberty. He wrote, ’The Indians’ misfortune has been to come into contact with the most civilized (sic) nation in the world, and I also would add, the greediest.’ Peoples of the Middle East see this usury and are sickened. No wonder they protest and resist Western liberty. Perhaps these political cartoons will lead to introspection and a new political catalyst for the West.

This new catalyst would be love-understanding, goodness, forgiveness, and charity towards others. In other words, liberty never means the freedom to hate, demean, or injure another person physically or emotionally. Instead, liberty consists in the freedom and ability to nurture and always act on behalf of, and for, humanity. When God asked Cain where Abel was, already knowing that Cain had murdered Abel, Cain answered, ’Am I my brothers keeper?’ Yes, we are responsible and accountable to one another. Both Jesus Christ and Mohammed founded communities and political movements that were first built on love. Franklin Roosevelt put it this way, ‘Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.’ Martin Luther King, Jr. said, ‘I cannot be what I ought to be, until you are what you ought to be. This is the way of true liberty!’ As President Bush threatens and invades the world claiming to spread freedom, as Saddam Hussein rants and raves about his lack of rights, as Osama bin Laden speaks of liberty while he pens poison, and as cartoonists continue to draw and defile sacred images, their words and images will fail. However, love will never fail. Even though you do not hear politicians and statesmen speak of love, it is the highest law. Without love, there can never be true liberty.

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Paintings of Vaddadhi Papayya(vada) [0|1|0]

Here is the collection of works of eminent artiest Vapa , and
details of each painting will be added shortly.........

Friday, February 17, 2006

Am i atheist

The very question i ask myself is , am i an atheist?
If my papa believed in God , do i still be atheist??
or as my papa doesn't believe in the existence of supereme power , i don't.
I was influenced by my papa and infact i am the ideology of my papa,but r they all correct?
Questioning doesn't arise until u interospect yourself of the principles u strongly believe in.
My way of thinking changed a lot in last two to three years.I believe amm neither an atheist
nor a theist as i feel religion is the ideology a group of folks follow,any idology infact.
Even the atheist is a religion according to me.And this religion puts oneself into cage of thinking.
I am a non-religious person,that doesn't mean am unethical.Ethics are made to make the life easy,
but religion though has lots of cousiousness in it , is going to arrest one's spectrum of thinking ,
makes man a computer with a large ruleset.
I believe in my confidence , rather than the supreme power and this is what i am.

Interesting events 1

This was on sat,.11th Feb: Myself,basanth , chandu and his 2 other friends went to movie called Rang De Basanthi.
After watching the movie , chandu and myself had a talk abt the movie in our return journey.Strangely it became a
quite interesting discussion and a new way of thinking came to my mind.As usual i just critisize wat everyone likes,
the same was happened and i started talking abt what bhagat did was wrong. It went like this:
My point is that , sacrificing his life for the sake of country is great but the way he sacrificed was wrong.He should have
done it in a more intelligent way.And as he was only at 23 when the revolution fired up,coz he is immature and the
young blood flowing in him,made his mind less work.Then chandu said , it is in between 22 to 30 anyone can do to
his country ,after that he will be bound to his family and every move he make , he rethinks abt his dependencies, and
for that he gave a very good example of abdul kalam.
My next writing will be a story of bagat with the negatives hiped up and will take real life problem and will project wat
bagat would do in that situation , conditioned he knows the result of post -sacrifice.
The main point i wanna stress upon is that, just sacrifice doesn't suffice , its you who have to put the things at right place
and then go, not expecting someone to do it bcoz u gave ur life for it.Hats off to bagat.

My views

Who r critics?
Critics r the one who even critisize Critisisom
What is an ideal world?
Where no one is influenced by any other person or group or idealogy or philosophy,
just opens up his mind to fly in the space of freedom
How should one live?
Live like a part of nature , u r just one in the nature as flowers are,as air,as water,as time.Do whatever u think is best at that second,
without any space for planning.Enjoy the consequences.U r one dimension in this world.
What are disciplines and principles?
According to me , every individual have some principles in his life like meeting the time shedules , being friendly with everyone,
giving ur best to the job in hand taking whole responsibility etc etc.
But ofter to achieve these principles people come up with disciplines and ironically they keep these disciplines in mind in such a way
that they even forget the principles which are the cause for the origin of these diciplines.Thats where self-arrest or better call as
soul-arrest happens.
Example can be , "be on time" , if its a principle of ur life then for making it happen u plan it from the time you wake , brush, travel and
what not! But you forget to feel the things happening around you in the mean time.You become watch addict.A simple example.
What is a character?
Afterall everyone says that its the character that one should not loose.
Is it a combinations and permutations of different virtues of life or
is it a well defined set of virtues?
Can anyone define the exactness of this character?
What is the scale to measure this character?

Idea Factory

New painting style that can change the world of 3dim into 2dim
Single painting when its given a movement and a sort of mirror or a glass (like a conical or a cylinderical or something else) designed in such a way that when it is kept infront of the moving painting it shud show different images from a single painting.
The complexity is in designing such a glass sort of thing.
The concept can be other way like now painting is static and make the glass rotate or move and the effect of different images shud come
from a single painting or an image.

New way of Search:
Why can't we search the pages according to our emotions.
Anxieties , ego's,angry,happy,courageous,inspirational emotions
play a major role in what we really need out of the search keywords.
Can we index on emotions and get the ratings accordingly.The best
example for this is our response to questions which definitely depends
on our mood.

Single PC with multiple users at a time
Why can we have more than one set of "keyboard and mouse" to allow multiple users
to operate with a single monitor and a single CPU parallelly.There shud be customization
to be given to the user to split the monitor into as many display parts as he can ,so that
no conflicts araise among the group.

Generic Query Engine
Columns: Col_1 int_1;
Col_2 varchar
Col_3 int_2;
Col_4 varchar

In database store the type of the column with the number like
for int type give some seq no. {1,2,...}
for varchar type give some seq no. {1,2,...}

In programming:
just while declaring variables , use the %type sort of thing like
var1 col_1%type;
var2 col_3%type;
Now to get a query just pass the variables and thier status(inp/out) ,
thats it , and the generic query engine will take care of everything else and
generates the runtime query and gets back with the results.

Even for joins also ,
Table1.col_1 int_1
Table2.col_3 table1.col_1%type;
and if the two tables are passed as arguments then the generic query engine will
automatically maps the attributes and gets back with the result.

A Gobal Database
There can be a global database like global search engine which can provide services to the application developers to create a
new database with his customized tables on the fly using internet.He might not no where the database is stored but it will be stored
which is similar to create an email account,which the user don't know the exact location of his emails storage but he can open/close/delete
mails on his own and the permission to do it is his username/password.Similar concept with databases and he can have the huge benefit of
backup where he need not bother about the data loss.The only problem is security and database query time.A generic query language will
enable him to get the data what he wants without anything the user to code. (ppl database can be created with semantic web type of thing and
xml can also be involved in it,photos can also be updated).

A generic Website
Once he creates a global database , he can create a website with just drag/drop buttons and linking the data objects with the underlying global
databases for which he is asked to validate himself against username/passwd and verification of the permissions is done automatically by our
generic website.

e-voice like email
Why can't we have a voice box like mail box where ppl can send thier voice to their
intended.It should be something like client based technology where the voice data
will be saved in the clients machine and once the username/password is validated he
can get access to the data.Virus propagation can be avoided by allowing only one type
of voice service with lot of validations at the server side.

Learning Portal
This is a portal which makes the things easy for anyone who want to record the learning process of his interest.This is
useful in a way he can recollect everything what he did or how he learnt the process so that he can guide the newbies in
the field.The portal shud be very generic in nature and shud hav very easy interface for , even a layman can sit and use it.

Simple editor like vi
Its a editor like vim with customisation of ur own functions and a way of providing the user to access the already defined functions example,
in vi - type Ctrl+G , will show u a filename and the line number where u currently are.
Now if i wanna use that information in my function like , i want to execute a file with ':!' in which i like to use those as inputs then i need to get them by some way or the other.

Adding extra functionality and integrating with the one running online
This is very useful when someone doesn't know the exact requirements or need lot of modifications wrt time, then
he could just code it and add it to the running program in which a feature has to be designed so that it can add the newly coded
functionality , there by saving enough time and also , as the program is running , it will serve the purpose for large extent and
once the new functionality is added , just need to refect it with the already executed data.
Note: Here if already added functionalities are changed then also it should support the change in the already running program.
For this functionalities are to be loaded dynamically through references so that once a modified function is loaded , the reference
should point to the modified one.Might be hashing of the functions with the timestamp will serve the purpose.
Syntax Free language

Write a wrapper around any language like java or c , so that flexibility in writing code is empowered and newbies
need not worry about the strict syntax rules of a language.Infact a syntax free wrapper that can work for many languages
as such.
Example: Integer x;
can be written in as many ways as possible,like
x integer;
x is an integer; or something of that sort.